La French Care

La French Care, the French team for Health


La French Care, to promote dialogue among the actors of Health

Today, the French Health sector gathers a great number of economic actors and diverse structures, both public and private, which participate to the formation of a complex system. Yet these actors do not necessarily know each other nor dialogue outside their sectorial specialties.

This is why La French Care’s co-founders, the association Acteurs de La French Care and Bpifrance, wished to create a dynamic to open France’s different Health sectors in order to facilitate the dialogue among stakeholders: private firms, startups, research institutions, public and private hospitals, biotechs, medtechs, federations of practitioners, investment funds, banks, insurance companies, etc.

La French Care, a flagship for all the actors of Health.

La French Care is a Bpifrance-owned brand. Just like La French Tech or La French Fab, all Health actors can claim membership and use its symbol – the Coq Blanc (“White Rooster”).

It is thus not required to join the association Acteurs de La French Care (see infra) to promote a company through La French Care’s graphic elements. Bpifrance is about to release La French Care’s manifesto, which all will be invited to rally.